Stabilizer end-rod (Bearing Ball Type)
We' at Maruha added to the standard oil supplying type a new "no-lubricant-type" end-rod. This time we would like to introduce this tuning.
Types of end-rods
1. Oil supplying type standard (LSTD)

スタビ・エンドロッド(給油式) LSTD 2個入り(販売終了品)
code:mar04052124 For NA6CE NA8C NB
スタビ・エンドロッド(給油式) LSTD 4個入り(販売終了品)
code:mar04052125 For NA6CE NA8C NB
2. Oil supplying type short (LSRT)

スタビ・エンドロッド(給油式) LSRT 4個入り ショートタイプ(販売終了品)
code:mar11061300 For NA6CE NA8C NB
3. No lubricant type (NSTD) standard

スタビ・エンドロッド(無給油式) NSTD(2024年7月〜) 2個入り
code:mar11061310 For NA6CE NA8C NB
スタビ・エンドロッド(無給油式) NSTD(2024年7月〜) 4個入り
code:mar11061311 For NA6CE NA8C NB
4. No lubricant type short (NSRT)

スタビ・エンドロッド(無給油式) NSRT(2024年7月〜) 2個入り ショートタイプ
code:mar11061320 For NA6CE NA8C NB
スタビ・エンドロッド(無給油式) NSRT(2024年7月〜) 4個入り ショートタイプ
code:mar11061321 For NA6CE NA8C NB
Oil supplying type and No lubricant type

We recommend the oil supplying type which has higher load capacity compared to the no lubricant type.
A high performance molybdenum grease is included, which should be used on the pillow and spring at the setup.

グリースガン KH-120
code:mar05030300 For ピロエンド用
チューブグリース グリースガン専用
code:mar05030302 For ピロエンド用
ノズルセット(2個入り) グリースガン専用
code:mar05030301 For ピロエンド用
The type without lubricant doesn't need special tools for maintenance, that's why it's very convenient. Furthermore, grease is not being used in the inner, but a special suitable resin has been used for lubrication.
Standard and short

The genuine end rod for NA (control link) is set up on its both ends with rubber bushing, there’s an extreme transformation and the effect of the stabilizer reduces.
Furthermore if we lower the vehicle’s height, for securing in some range the stabilizer’s parallelism a whole height-adjustment type is necessary.

Distance between centers (genuine part): around 105mm
Maruha's standard (LSTD/NSTD) adjustable range: around 100mm-120mm
Maruha's short (LSRT/NSRT) adjustable range: around 65mm-80mm
The standard one is turnbuckle type set up through the duralumin body with a right bolt and a left bolt pillow.
Even after setting it up to the car, the length can be easily adjusted.

The nut is stainless steel.
The bolt with the polished nut is the one on the right and the unpolished bolt is on the left.

In the case of the short type, coupling has been carried out on the male and female screw’s pillow and compared to the genuine rod shortening becomes possible.
It is meant for users who want to lower the vehicle’s height.
Aluminium collar

Generally 4 standard collars and 1 thick collar, in total 5 collars are set up to one end-rod.
The thick collar is being used when adjusting the rod’s inclination in the case of setting an NB stabilizer to NA.

If you use Maruha’s pillow rod in NA, Mazda’s genuine bolt and nut will be reused.

ボルト スタビエンドロッド
code:9978-41-045 For NA6CE NA8C
ナット エンドロッド ボルト用
code:9994-01-000 For NA
You can choose between the standard (LSTD/NSTD) and the short (LSRT/NSRT) type.
The genuine end-rod for NB is a ball-joint type that’s why unlike NA it doesn’t use bolts and nuts.

Distance between centers (genuine part): around 105mm
Maruha's standard (LSTD/NSTD) adjustable range: around 100mm-120mm
Maruha's short (LSRT/NSRT) adjustable range: around 65mm-80mm
If you use Maruha’s pillow-type rod for NB, you will need altogether 8 bolts and nuts (2 pieces each / rod).

ボルト スタビエンドロッド
code:9978-41-045 For NA6CE NA8C
ナット エンドロッド ボルト用
code:9994-01-000 For NA
Shock kit series


ESTER27 Full Synthetic♪