Maruha Front Caliper Piston
Supported MIATA Models: All NA model MIATAs

キャリパーピストン フロント側 純正ブレーキキャリパー用
code:mar05072930 For NA全車 NB前期
MIATA has been loved by users around the world since 1989, when the car was launched.
NA models including the first model NA6CE have been driven for more than 10 years since they were produced and the owners often need to replace the accessories such as convertible tops, radiator parts and suspension bushes in order to maintain the car performance.
Maruha Front Caliper Piston is a product designed for overhauls.
There are many requests for us to replace caliper pistons with new ones, however, when we check the brake devices, we often find that the pistons are covered with rust (Photo 2).
Once rusty, the piston can easily become corroded again even if the rust is removed with fine sandpaper.

Furthermore, after rust processing the piston surface becomes uneven and causes troubles.
Unfortunately, MIATA lovers cannot replace a single genuine caliper piston with a new one.
Mazda sells only the caliper assemblies, that is, the caliper piston is not sold individually.
MIATA owners must spend a lot of money, besides moving the other parts still used in order to change only the caliper pistons.
Bad for money and environment.
Maruha Front Caliper Piston is individually available for MIATA owners to change their pistons without any trouble. So you do not have to keep using rust covered pistons to avoid expenses.
Maruha's piston with long life and reasonable cost, will fulfil your needs with its excellent quality equal to the MIATA genuine one.
We offer only the front caliper piston because the front pistons tend to be more corroded than the rears.
Our product is suitable for all NA models, which are the first generation of MIATA.
There is a rumor that the genuine caliper for NA8C has a larger capacity than for NA6CE, but in fact, both of them are in the same dimensions.
Therefore, it is possible to install Maruha Front Caliper Piston into NA8C and NA6CE models.
For more information including the support for NB models, please feel free to contact us.
You do not need to keep corroded pistons any longer in use with flood of frustration.
Maruha Front Caliper Piston provides you with smooth driving.
- The product should be installed by a professional.
- The product supports all NA MIATA models.
For information about the availability for NB MIATA models, please contact us.
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