Rear brake caliper piston for Mazda Miata NA/NB

キャリパーピストン リヤ側 純正ブレーキキャリパー用
code:mar13080800 For NA全車 NB前期
In between Mazda’s genuine parts you cannot find the caliper piston for Miata as a single item.
When you overhaul the front and rear brake caliper and you find rust the maker suggests the exchange of the caliper ASSY even if it is expensive.
When overhauling the brakes of Mazda Miata NA and NB the caliper piston has to be disassembled.
When we disassemble the brake caliper we can notice that the piston is quite rusty.
Maruha has added the front brake caliper for NA, NB (early model), NB (later model) into its line-up.
The rear side is linked with the piston inner part’s hand brake which makes it a complex construction.

For this reason, we cannot carry out the same simple machining as in the case of the front.
Hybrid piston
It has become possible to purchase the hybrid piston with the stainless sleeve.
This hybrid piston can resist rust better than the genuine part.

Rear side, caliper piston cleaning limits

If you wash the piston properly and clean it with oil the rust will disappear.
After the rust has been removed the piston looks like a lunar crater. This will later be the reason for the fluid leak. Because of the piston the fluid that wasn’t leaking before the O/H starts leaking after the O/H. However, there are cases when people don’t carry out O/H at all. Because of the rust the piston starts sticking and this influences the brakes in a negative way. For this reason, it is important to carry out the caliper’s O/H temporarily.
The blind spots at the time of the pads exchange
The caliper’s disassembly O/H starts with the brake pads’ exchange.
Because of the friction the pads become thin. They have to be exchanged with new thick pads. At this time we have to thrust the piston to the caliper’s inside. This is when the rust causes trouble.
At the rear side we use a 4mm hexagonal wrench, we rotate the inner adjusting gear and thrust the piston to the inside. However, the rusty piston is stuck and might easily damage the small adjusting gear and influences the O/H.

Caliper piston ASSY exchange

In the case of rust Maruha recommends an ASSY exchange.
キャリパーボディー&ピストン(R)(マツダ純正) NA6 リヤ 右用 ASSY
code:NA01-26-61XC For NA6CE
キャリパーボディー&ピストン(L)(マツダ純正) NA6 リヤ 左用 ASSY
code:NA01-26-71XC For NA6CE
キャリパー ボディー&ピストン(R)(マツダ純正) NA8 リヤ 右用 ASSY
code:NA75-26-61XC For NA8C NB前期
キャリパー ボディー&ピストン(L)(マツダ純正) NA8 リヤ 左用 ASSY
code:NA75-26-71XC For NA8C NB前期
キャリパー ボデー&ピストン(R)
code:N067-26-61X For NB後期
キャリパー ボデー&ピストン(L)
code:N067-26-71X For NB後期
Brake master

タンデムマスター シリンダー ・ブレーキ ABS無し NA全車/NB10万番台 対応/MARUHA指定 2020/5/14〜
At the time of the caliper’s O/H the tandem master cylinder’s O/H or exchange is also a good idea.
Maruha has the original master pump too.
It is cheaper than the genuine product and its quality is very good.
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