Conversion of the genuine B6/BP piston to high compression piston
Converting the piston to high compression-type and raising the compression is a main tendency in engine tuning.
Maruha as Mahle’s Japanese agent sells top quality forged pistons for B6 and BP too.
However, when you prefer fine tuning and cost saving to top quality, we can recommend you the converted genuine piston.
Maruha keeps in stock not only genuine parts, but converted pistons too.
High compression piston for BP

In the case of the high compression piston for BP the NB8 Sr-2 piston is being used as high compression one and it can be used for NA8 and NB8 (early model) too.
There is no need for processing.
NB8 後期 純正ピストン VVT用 STD
code:BPZ2-11-SA0 For BP用 NBハイコンプ HighComp
NB8 後期 純正ピストン VVT用 0.25
code:BPZ2-11-SB0 For BP用 NBハイコンプ HighComp
High compression piston for B6

For NA6 Mazda’s other engine pistons can be used as high compression pistons too.
There is no need for processing.
The compression ratio can be altered from 9.4 to 9.6.
B6用 ピストン MAZDA純正流用 STD(生産終了品)
code:B6Z4-11-SA0 For B6用 ハイコンプ
B6用 ピストン MAZDA純正流用 0.25(生産終了品)
code:B6Z4-11-SB0 For B6用 ハイコンプ
Each ring is adjusted to the piston.
NB8 全車 純正ピストンリングセット (4気筒分) STD
code:BPZ0-11-SC0B For BP用 NB All model
NB8 全車 純正ピストンリングセット (4気筒分) 0.25
code:BPZ0-11-SD0B For BP用 NB All model
B6用 ピストンリング MAZDA純正流用 STD
code:B6Y5-11-SC0 For B6用 ハイコンプ
B6用 ピストンリング MAZDA純正流用 0.25
code:B6Y5-11-SD0 For B6用 ハイコンプ
Piston surface treatment
We recommend the piston's surface's processing.
・Micro shot peening
・Molybdenum shot
By these two surface treatments the friction becomes lower and the piston can be broken-in more easily.
For more information on Surface treatment click here.

ESTER27 Full Synthetic♪