NB8 Sr2(late version)/VVT Gasket Set
The number of discontinued genuine parts for the NB type seems to be much more than the one for the NA type. The car manufacture (Mazda) decides the continuation of supplying the genuine parts for the market based on the current existing car numbers in the market, but we strongly hope that the engine parts will be available as long as possible.
1) Gasket with Screw set for NB8 VVT Cam Pulley

ブラインドカバーガスケットセット VVTプーリー部(スクリュー含む)
- Gasket / VVT cam pully Maruha OEM / ZL09-10-607
840x1 - Screw / MaruhqMotors OEM for VVT cam-pulley cover
Regarding NB type with late version, the pulley for VVT can be installed at the side of intake cam shaft. You have to take the pulley away whenever you work ( from “exchanging O-rings to “engine overhaul”). Then, the genuine part of Blind Cover Gasket is removed.

▲This part has been discontinued.
However, the part is very important. This is a big problem!

There is hump on the iron gasket, so called bead typed gasket. As you can see from the images, once the gasket is used, the hump is crashed and changed to be flat with o more spring pressure. This causes losing repulsive and sealing power.

Formed NBR (acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber) is used for both sides (front & back) of Maruha custom-made gasket. Against small torque by tiny screw, NBR can maintain stable sealing power. Only three tiny screws (M5 x 3) are used for the gasket. To get reliable sealing performance by small torque is one of Maruha’s ideas.

The custom-made screw bolts are also provided by Maruha because the Mazda genuine ones have already been discontinued. As you might know from the attached image, since the screws were tightened very strongly, they might be happened to be damaged by tools when they are removed. We strongly recommend that the new screws should be used instead of the used ones when the gasket is replaced. You can get only screws individually, but the gasket with screw set is useful and good buy for you!

ブラインドカバーガスケットセット VVTプーリー部(スクリュー含む)
- Gasket / VVT cam pully Maruha OEM / ZL09-10-607
840x1 - Screw / MaruhqMotors OEM for VVT cam-pulley cover

VVT用プーリー部ガスケット (ZL09-10-607代替品)

スクリュー(Maruha指定部品) VVTカムプーリー/ブラインドカバー部
※Three screws are required per the gasket.
2)O-ring VVT SET

VVT Oリングセット
- Oil fileter VVT O/C valve
1,260x1 - O-ring VVT for control valve Maruha Item
520x1 - Gasket plate for VVT VVT O/C valve cover
290x1 - O-ring VVT for oil pipe
280x1 - O-ring VVT for VVT adapter
260x2 - O-ring VVT for VVT adapter
260x2 - Gasket washer for VVT (head cover) VVT O/C pipe
150x2 - Gasket washer for VVT (engine block) VVT O/C pipe
It is desirable that the inside filter, the O-rings, the gaskets, etc. should be replaced after the VVT solenoid is overhauled. This is one of the very important maintenances because the phase of cam shaft is controlled by the direction flow of oil at the solenoid. There is the O-ring used at the base of oil control valve, but it is not available individually from Mazda genuine parts. Please don’t worry about it because you can get it from our Maruha original parts instead.
Please note that the above-mentioned gaskets of 1) and 2) are not included in the Engine Gasket set. Thank you for your kind understanding. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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