Maruha's useful items for your Mazda Miata
Here we would like to line up products that cannot be acquired easily or are too expensive when buying them from the maker.
■Lower radiator pipe - Stainless (for NA)
For more information refer to this site.
It is made of steel and is better than the genuine one which is made of brass. Maruha's lower pipe doesn't get rusty.

パイプ ラジエター ロア(ステンレス製) MARUHA指定パーツ
code:B61P-15-190-MRH For NA6CE NA8C
■Side wire
For more information refer to this site.

幌サイドワイヤー NA用 (左右セット) スプリング付(2024年12月〜)
code:mar11082500 For NA
幌サイドワイヤー NB用 (左右セット) スプリング付(2024年12月〜)
code:mar11082501 For NB
This item cannot be purchased from Mazda as a single item.
When exchanging the hood, the wire might be abraded and the spring rusty. For this reason it is better to exchange it simultaneously with the hood.
■303 fabric guard
For more information refer to this site.
A fabric guard specially developed for car hoods.
It is very effective for Maruha's hood too.

303ハイテック ファブリックガード クロス生地専用 473ml
■Plastic trim
For more information refer to this site.
Our lineup contains colors that are not available among the genuine lineup. We offer lots of color variations.
Designed not only for Maruha's carpet but also for the genuine one.

カーペットトリム ライトブルー
■Caliper piston for NA・NB (early model)
For more information refer to this site.
You don't have to reuse the rusty piston.
In the case of genuine parts the front caliper piston cannot be purchased as a single item. It is Maruha’s original part.

キャリパーピストン フロント側 純正ブレーキキャリパー用
code:mar05072930 For NA全車 NB前期
■Caliper piston for NB (later model)・NB6 (NRA)
For more information refer to this site.
You don't have to reuse the rusty piston.
In the case of genuine parts the front caliper piston cannot be purchased as a single item. It is Maruha’s original part.

キャリパーピストン フロント側 純正ブレーキキャリパー用
code:mar10030900 For NB8後期 NB6(NRA)
■Metal fitting
For more information refer to this site.
These parts prevent the squeaking noises coming from the pad. They cannot be obtained from Mazda as single items.
For this reason we made a lineup for NA and NB.

■Long vacuum hose (booster hose)
For more information refer to this site.
The production of the genuine part has been stopped.
Maruha's long vacuum hose can be used not only for exchange but for cars with engine swap too.

■Wheel hub bearing (for NA・NB)
For more information refer to this site.
The wheel hub bearing is an item that wears off by time. That's why it has to be exchanged.
Maruha's bearing has the same efficiency as the genuine one. Its price is 15%〜20% lower than that of the genuine one.

ベアリング フロント ハブ (ABSなし) NA01-33-04XA対応/MARUHA指定(2023年10月〜)
■Low position seat rail
For more information refer to this site.
With the vertical slide rail it is possible to lower the seat’s position to the maximum.

レカロバケット用シートレール(ダブルロック) NA/NB用 右側 単品
code:mar09051100 For NA NB
■Headlight harness for NB (early model)
For more information refer to this site.
It is a very useful kit when you want to carry out headlight conversion from NB early models to NB later models.
Wire processing is not necessary. It is enough to connect the harnesses.

NB用ライト変換ハーネス 配線コンバージョン用
Oil block
■Block for removing the hose
The water cooled oil cooler's oil block (for removing the hose) as a single item.
For more information refer to this site.

オイルブロック(サンドイッチ式) AN10フィッティング取り出し用
■Remoted oil block
With a remoted oil cartridge the difficult exchange work becomes easier.
A 1/8 PT screw is being used and in this way it can be helpful even if you want to install other companies' oil temperature sensor or oil pressure sensor.
For more information refer to this site.

オイルリモートキット NA6CE用
code:mar12042600 For NA6CE
Special Service Tools
■Crank lock plate
An SST for fixing the crankshaft easier.
With this item the crankshaft’s center can be removed even without an impact wrench.
For more information refer to this site.

特殊工具 SST クランクロックプレート(分度器対応)2023年1月〜
code:mar23012600 For ALL MODEL
■Flywheel lock
By using this item at the time of the flywheel’s exchange the flywheel can be easily fixed and the bolt from the crankshaft’s tail can be removed.
For more information refer to this site.

特殊工具 SST フライホイールロック
■Bush puller
It is helpful when removing the bush from the rear’s knuckle part.
For more information refer to this site.

特殊工具 SST ブッシュプーラー
code:mar07082900 For 全車
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